There is probably no doubt that Hesiod is one of the important ancient Greek personalities still known today. From my point of view, Hesiod is not only the first European philosopher who reflected on the beginning of the world in the Theogony or about a few ethical questions in the Works and days, but also the first who thought about the human being and his unique features from a political standpoint. For this purpose I will consider six different politico-anthropological identities of human beings: eris, dikê, ergon, oikos, philia and godliness. As far as I can see, no one has argued until today that a political anthropology exists in Hesiod’s Works and days. We can´t find a classical philosophical construction in the text, but what we can find is the consideration of some basic categories, words and themes of a political anthropology that are – as it seems – firstly discussed by Hesiod.