Logic, information and agency
Stanford, California: CSLI Publications (
This is an introduction for readers with some basic knowledge of logic to contemporary logical analyses of information flow and multi-agent activity with an emphasis on new perspectives and new research directions. The first major topic are dynamic-epistemic logics for analyzing information dynamics and information update based on new observations, as well as the induced processes of knowledge change and belief revision. The second part of the book connects these dynamic-epistemic logics to richer mathematical models coming from dependence logic, topology and probability. In a third and final part, all these systems are brought to bear on the study of agency in games, bringing together logics for analyzing games and games for analyzing logics in one perspective. An appendix discusses a recent view on how qualitative logical and quantitative arithmetical approaches to reasoning can live together and inform each other. A further appendix summarizes the background in modal logic that is needed for this course.