Jean Ladrière on Culture
The thrust of the article is to seek some kind of "multicultural" . Philosophy and culture to Ladrière St. neural basis Author uphold the provisional drop St. nervous trying to prove some kind of mental "common culture" the possibility of such a rule and not subject to the "common will" to guide the culture. This article is divided into two main parts: the first describes Ladriere "culture" concept, while the second part further development of more evidence to prove that regardless Ladriere of "multiculturalism" advocated the feasibility. This paper is an attempt to search for a pluralistic culture. Relying on Ladriere's philosophy of culture and on the spirit of the Pentecost, the author argues for the possibility of a universal culture in the spirit of the Pentecost, ie a culture free of domination and guided by a "common vocation." The paper consists of two main parts: the first part elaborates Ladriere's concept of culture, while the second part develops Ladriere 'arguments further to prove the tenability of the thesis of pluralistic culture