Interface has been successful at incorporating sustainability taken a scientific based integrated approach, applying the strategic framework for sustainable development from The Natural Step, incorporating the lessons of more than 3.8 billion years of research and development in nature through Biomimicry. Three elements can be taken away from this case study, next to many lessons learned: First, Interface has a bold vision and purpose which has sustainability at its core. Second, Interface has an intimate understanding of their gap towards full sustainability, i.e. of the challenges that they must overcome to achieve their vision of success. Third, Interface has made smart business decisions in bridging the gap between current reality and its vision—which has helped them reap a diverse range of benefits including cost savings, innovation potential, brand reputation, engaged employees, resulting in a future resilient company. Historically the company used a strategic step-by-step approach to bring its vision to life, which has been transforming its business. Taking a strategic and science-based approach in sustainable development has enabled Interface to create a climate fit for life, moving from its goal to become restorative by 2020 to becoming regenerative.