This research presents a model of Emotional Codes (EC) that influence the processes of choice, decision and action in clients. The model represents a sequence of steps to follow to identify the EC. (i) Identify the problem. (ii) Recognize the emotion (how) see Table 3. (iii) Identify the reason. (because); and (iv) Identify the emotional code (What) see Table 2. In addition, results obtained from theses and articles that demonstrate the use of emotional codes are presented. It is concluded that the emotional codes applied to language and marketing allow effective communication, the CEs have become strategies that companies use to convince, persuade and retain customers, through the effective communication of the subconscious knowledge of the emotions that the human being surfaces and the emotional code that it produces in the search for being. CEs have similar results despite globalization and the interaction of other cultures, and they adapt to the circumstances in which they operate in a technological, cultural and social environment. The EC are classified according to the triune brain; From the point of view of emotions, ECs allow us to feel, to let ourselves be carried away by impulses, by emotions, by experiences that cause us joy or, on the contrary, pain, whether they drive us or not. The EC represent the human being, emotional, with inheritances and stories that frame the needs, desires, whims, fears, experiences and fantasies.