Granì 11:148-152 (
In the article on the basis of the statistical materials archived, analytical works the problems of satisfaction of social and way of life problems of rural working young people are considered. Scientific literature, which includes the problems of rural young people only partly examines the features of everyday life of rural young people, and also influence on its social prosperity of row of domestic factors. Importance of the outlined problem is predetermined, foremost by a necessity to have a clear idea about socio-economic reality of the Ukrainian village, during 1990-2000th. It is found out, that in Ukraine development of spectrum of social orientation working young people villages restrained temper deep transformations of social and way of life infrastructure. Worsening of financial welfare of young people was related to worsening of economic potential of villages. It is found out, that terms economic happy villages of condition lives young approached city. The factor of the following and perspective was taken into account in development of everyday life of rural working young people. Considerable attention is spared finding out of reasons of decline of social and way of life sphere. First in historiography on the basis of specific methodological tool the analysed accordance of vital terms on a village - to the strategic aims of socio-economic revival of the Ukrainian village. The special attention is spared finding out of terms of making healthy facilities of present on a village athletic-sporting bases. Underline, that in Ukraine rural working young people tested certain domestic discomfort as a result of worsening of work of domestic enterprises: establishments of way of life, point-of-sale service. A considerable place in the article was found by subjects devoted a show participation of young people in development of private establishments of domestic consumer services, transport service. Changes are also shown in housing, facilities of satisfaction of spiritual necessities.