Griot 24 (2):247-261 (
This text brings to light a discussion that returns to philosophy the task of thinking about everyday life; centered on the question of the human in the reflections of today's world. This exercise in reflection is based on the book: La "Reflexión" Cotidiana. Hacia una arqueología de la experiencia by Chile an philosopher Humberto Giannini. La "reflexión" cotidiana delves into the depths of the nexus through which life intersects the state of philosophical problematization and thus challenges us in many ways, but above all in the real urgency of thinking about the loneliness of modern man. The question of the other, the place of encounter, the dialog, the street, the routine, permeates what Giannini calls the archeology of experience. The street is always available, the daily coming and going is the place not only where we circulate, but above all it is the place of memories. It's the place that puts us face to face with others, but also with ourselves.