With the use of symbols, communication was possible both to know, to initiate, maintain and strengthen interpersonal relationships and the emergence of less constructive behaviors such as nagging, deception and even lying. One of the forms of simulation is a lie when it is communicated orally. Words are the first to tempt him to lie man, language is the first human institution appeal - the lie - as stated C. Cucos. Inextricably linked language document, purporting to be a lie concealed by a simple order information, language, that words themselves represent human infidelity to truth and the effort they are doing it to hide their feelings normal in view of P. Turchet. Editing a lie requires a mature consciousness, symbolic thinking type, a subjective halving decentrare and development and clean language. The lies of the human being are often driven by language, since they are most economical. It is easier to hide or to hide behind words. Betray you more easily through mimicry or gestures. Our hands or face are more sincere, more transparent. There is the possibility that people focus too much on deciphering and understanding nonverbal behavior of the party, neglecting thus his speech.