This paper explores transcendental idealism through the dual perspectives of the infinite quantum field and noetic-noematic activity, presenting a unified foundation of reality that integrates external and internal approaches. The infinite quantum field represents the dynamic, self-modifying structure of reality observed externally, while noetic-noematic activity emphasizes the inner, qualitative transformations of consciousness experienced through immersion with reality's essence. By critiquing the limitations of classical scientific paradigms, such as reductionism and linear causality, this study highlights the need for a holistic model that transcends mechanistic and dogmatic approaches. The concept of immanence is redefined as a dynamic, creative principle central to the processes of transformation and knowledge, bridging the subject-object dichotomy. This integrative framework unifies scientific and metaphysical perspectives, offering a comprehensive understanding of reality that accommodates both physical phenomena and the evolving dynamics of consciousness. Transcendental idealism, as articulated here, invites a synthesis of science, philosophy, and consciousness, facilitating a broader and deeper exploration of the universe.