Земна місія церкви та її право на примус у доктрині св. августина
Схід 3 (129):102-107 (
This paper examines the nature and mission of the church in case of synchronization of individual and collective revealed and its social dimension in the doctrine of St. Augustine. We found that the doctrine of St. Augustine church focusing on a few universal concepts which make it possible to share a mystical communion into hierarchical levels and justify a higher capability to church "loving compulsion" imperfect. This flexible foundation principle of creating individual and collective synchronization and admitted his main tools: Christian state that receives the highest sanction carrier sword of the Lord and the monastic way of believer's life - estrangement and in silent contemplation of the eternal state of the soul essence. The teaching of theologians had a double effect. It is, at first, was the basis of the concept of sacral and utilitarian State High and Late Middle Ages. Secondly, the teaching of theologian contemplative life was further rod idea of medieval philosophy, a doctrine that had a decisive influence on European consciousness, until the Enlightenment. Augustine's interpreted the doctrine that man can be saved independently, it can happen only with the living presence of God in this life, which is due to internal and external routes encourages people to perfection. Determining the path of salvation in the early Middle Ages was grieving and humble monk in contemplation of austerity. However, it should be noted that a key Augustine's principle - contemplative soul perfection that realized ascetic life of monks becomes narrow corporate practices. It deepened singular trend early Christian violate equality synchronization between collective and individual. Monastic Practice has proved, it is not effective, because it could not provide imaginable salvation to all members of the Christian community - tore the only body of the church - shared by Ecclesia sancta ecclesia catholic. Because the only historical conditions have changed at the same time rises task salvation of Republic Christiana, not selected by the grace of monks. Revived Early Christian idea of the right of everyone to achieve wisdom and bliss. Under these conditions, contemplative method of salvation need your additions, and most in need of a new interpretation of the concept of passivity public life of God's people