Construction activities in a state are concrete data that provide information about the political, social, economic situation and science and technology of the state. These activities of states are not independent of the dynamics in question. Building activities in the Ottoman Empire, a great empire, were shaped according to these dynamics. The political history of the Ottoman Empire is generally divided into two: the classical and the Westernization period. However, when the construction activities in the Ottoman Empire were examined, it was seen that this distinction would also be valid for construction practices. In particular, the change in the perception of science and technology has caused the tools and materials used in construction to change. In this study, construction tools were examined in the light of written sources from the classical period. Classical period construction techniques, tools and materials were examined in the light of three Works. The two works are named Tezkiretü'l Bünyan and Tezkiretü'l Ebniye, which describe the life and works of Mimar Sinan. Another work is called Risale-i Mi'mariyye, which gives information about Mehmed Ağa's works. The tools used were identified in the light of the works in question.