Von der besten aller möglichen Welten zur Welt voll besserer Möglichkeiten Leibniz in pädagogischer Sicht
This article does not describe die pedagogical history of the reception of Leibniz' way of thinking, but rather inquires into the central motif which was derived from Leibniz' way of thinking and how it was assimilated to pedagogics. Furthermore it wants to make apparent how much modern pedagogics owes to Leibniz, without being aware of the debt. Leibniz' influence on pedagogics, however, is an indirect one, because as a rule pedagogics does not explicidy refer to Leibniz. His specific influence implicidy originates from certain motifs central to his way of thinking. Considering this, it is the Theodizee and the Monadologie, which above all have an important bearing on the current theoretical discussion in pedagogics