Problem setting. The Ukrainian nation intentions of entering to the European Community deal with an absolute incompetency of Ukrainian politicians to demonstrate to Ukrainian citizens the direct signals of providing European values in Ukraine. Consequently, there is no modernization of Ukrainian society and there are a lot of conflictogenic forces, which lock the Ukrainian nation transition from old values, laws and rules to the values of Western civilization. However, the problem of implementation of European values to the Ukrainian space is one of the most important nowadays. The values should be aligned with the times in providing of Ukrainian persons intentions of good living and state protection of their rights and freedoms. This problem can be solved by establishing of effective academic and information systems, which will inform Ukrainians about the best world achievements and help them to understand thereof. That’s why the problem of implementation of European values to the Ukrainian space through academic and informative systems in up-to-date conditions is actual and should be comprehensively studied. Recent research and publications analysis. The problem of theoretical learning of European values as modern social phenomena is being discussed by N. Amelchenko, J. Bodriyar, P. Burdieu, Y. Golovakha, O. Zdravomyslov, N. Smelzer, O. Sakalo and V. Tugarinov. The influence of values and standards of Western civilization into young democracy state development is being studied by V. Andrushchenko, O. Babkina, V. Bekh, V. Kremen, M. Mykhalchenko, V. Polokhalo, Y. Shaygorodskyi and O. Chernysh. Academic and information systems in the aspects of the implementation of European values to the Ukrainian space are being explored by F. Vashchyk, O. Habovych, V. Kuznetsov, N. Semenova, P. Davidov, O. Novosal, I. Mikhailyn and V. Rizun. The purposes of our study are actualization of academic and information systems as necessary factors for the implementation of European values and finding of preventing issues as well as the ways of their removal. Paper main body. European values are the framework, from the one hand, and the aim of Ukraine, from another. However, in consciousness of Ukrainian people European values and other European Union representations as well as the imaginations about its institutions, social and political processes are incomprehensible due to the low level of academic process and insufficient and conflict realization of the European values through information sphere. In consideration of that Ukrainian people deem the integration of Ukraine into the European Community to be as something political and the subject-matter for international negotiations, and they perceive it doesn’t worth of their attention. The functioning of academic and information systems is the most effective instrument for the young generation consciousness and knowledge development, and coordination of their activities should promote the extension of European citizen inasmuch as well-informed and educated person is a society achievement. Proceeding from the above Ukrainian science has the aims to prove the importance of implementation European values such as like the rule of law, equality before the law and justice into Ukrainian fundamental science as well as to find problem points, in which the absence of such values or their distortion is locking of academic development. Information sphere should translate European values and promote the establishment of axiological and semantic models, which should be used by society for learning of values world picture without objective deliberateness of the information relationships subjects. Conclusions of the research. The removal of academic problems can be provided by: the establishment of complete academic freedom, which is founded on the European values of academic activity organization; the disposal of academic process participants wasted mindsets; the generation and implementation of new methodological, organizational and technological procedures of academic sphere administration; the development of academic informative promotion. The removal of informative relationships problems can be provided by: the establishment of informative rules and constitution of criminal liability for the breach of above-mentioned rules. It is necessary to provide up-to-date informative and telecommunication technologies as well as to use exceptional informative resources. The understanding of the meaning and necessity of European values by Ukrainians is possible by the union of rich traditions Ukrainian culture and up-to-date European values.