Bifurcation is considered as a time-consuming process, during which there is a qualitative restructuring of the properties of the political system is taking place. The directions of origin, support of the stability and disintegration of political structures of different nature, which are in dynamics and constant change, which are inherent in the properties of self-organization and self-control, are studied. The peculiarities of the examination of the truth of the results and the novelty of the experimental methodology, which forms the starting points for the study of separatism, are revealed. The peculiarities of nonlinear feedback, hard causal dependence in the political process are established. The influence of random factors on the choice of the system of development path during the bifurcation period and the unpredictability of this process in terms of synergetics is discussed. In the article it is established that due to the nonlinearity and unpredictability of the political systems` development, the possibility of scientific methods and approaches applying to their study is substantially limited. It is argued that the frequency of bifurcation periods is directly dependent on the complexity of the political system: the higher its complexity, the more often will be bifurcation periods during its development. It is substantiated that the political system, which has reached critical parameters, from a state of strong instability, as if «dumped» into one of many possible, new to it stable states. The point of bifurcation is characterized by the fact that in it the path of development of the system is branched out. The branch selection of further political system development will be determined with the probabilistic, unpredictable parameters of the political process. Determined that, the period of bifurcation can be considered whithin the transition of separatist processes from the latent to the active state, and whithin the sharp aggravation of the power struggle.The properties of the political crisis that lead to self-destruction are studied: at the threshold of bifurcation, this political system can no longer exist, there is something fundamentally new in its place. The political systems` achievement of critical parameters, from the state of strong instability, which «dump» into one of many possible, new stable states for it, are studied.