Institutul European (
This volume was initially conceived as a thematic issue of
the Sfera Politicii journal and some of its chapters (written by
Gabriela Tănăsescu, Henrieta A. Şerban, Lorena Stuparu and
Cristian-Ion Popa) were published as such in the 9 (163),
September 2011 issue under the title „Theory and Political
Ideology”. To enlarge the discussion on the theme, new papers
have been added to the previous ones for inclusion in this book.
By choosing to title it „Political theories versus ideologies?”
we wanted to suggest from the beginning the difficulty of a
consensus on such a disputable topic. As it has multiple facets,
there are several possible ways to deal with it. Each contribution in
this collection is an attempt to clarify a different aspect of the
So, a category of texts seeks to explore the nature of
political theory, the value neutrality thesis concerning the social
sciences, and the distinctions between theory and ideology. One of
them is devoted to a trans-theoretical analysis of the naturalist and
the interpretivist models of political theory; another one, by
scrutinizing the original meaning of „philosophy”, aims at showing
that, when philosophy neglects the ancient harmony between philo
and sophia, by focusing only on the last one, it runs the risk of
failing into ideology; the first efforts of some modern thinkers,
(fascinating by mathesis universalis) to apply mathematics to
politics, or Michael Oakeshott ‘s concept of ideology are also dealt
with in other texts. By broadening the discussion on the neutrality
thesis, one of the articles brings to light the philosophical
prejudices underlying both „the constitutional” and „the welfare”
models, i.e., a „rule ethics” and, respectively, a utilitarian one.
Several papers investigate the status of the theories of
international relations. Some of them address the peculiar question
whether the so called theories of European integration satisfy the
criteria of what political scientists mean by an empirical study of
phenomena. To put it differently: Can we refer to such theories as
a scientifically approaching to the unification European process,
i.e., as being able to explaining and making predictions? A
subsidiary question would be: are they ideologically neutral?
The problem is explicitly put in another article, whose
author, by suspecting such theories’ claim to neutrality, is asking if
it is possible not a scientific approach to the European integration,
but a normative one, namely, a philosophy of European unification
„without ideology”.
Some articles, pointing out the weakness and vulnerabilities
of the traditional theories of international relations when
confronted with new political realities, endorse a constructivist
interpretation that is likely to offer a better account for actions such
as humanitarian interventions. In a similar line of thinking,
constructivism is seen by another contributor as a perspective in
terms of which some traditional political concepts should be
revised. An example is „the national interest”, a concept that can
be explained in all its aspects neither by the realist nor by liberal
Subjects such as „the end of ideology”, or the ideological
left-wing deviations of today liberalism for electoral reasons, or
that of a likely „international solidarity” ideology are discussed in
this volume too.
If it is to draw a conclusion from most contributions, we
would say that, irrespective of its versions, normative, or empirical
(scientific), or analytical, political theory conceived of itself as
being not only different from, but also opposed to ideology. And it
still pretends to be so.
Lots of the facets of the topic have remained, obviously,
unexplored. Among them, the contemporary efforts to reconcile
the normative and the empirical dimensions of political theory
would have been worth of addressing – maybe, in a future
enterprise. Engaging in the difficult endeavor of assembling and
integrating individual texts into a coherent account, we hope to be
successful in stimulating further debate on the theme, a debate in
which the present volume is only a modest contribution.