The objective of the research is to study the influence of restorative motor mode at the high altitude on functional condition of the sportsmen body during their stay in the mountains and the subsequent readaptation period. Materials and methods. Ten male sportsmen, whose specialization was medium and long-distance running took part in the research. The research was conducted in Bishkek during the 3-week stay in highlands and after their return to the foothills. During their stay in the mountains the sportsmen followed a specific motional mode in the form of outdoor activities. At the high altitude and during the readaptation period the condition of the respiratory function, cardio respiratory system and the maximum level of oxygen intake of sportsmen were evaluated. Results. During their stay in the mountains the increase of external expiration reserves and optimization of cardiovascular activity were observed. The level of maximum oxygen consumption after a decrease increased during the period of readaptation by 9,8 percent. Conclusions. Outdoor activities at the high altitude conditions allow you to preserve and expand the functional reserves of the body of sportsmen during the transient period of the oneyear training macrocycle.