The late Professor Friedländer’s work on Plato was originally published in two volumes at Berlin-Leipzig in 1928 and 1930. Of these the first volume discussed a large number of general Platonic themes, and the second commented on the dialogues in sequence. A substantial revision and expansion of the work was begun with the publication of Platon I: Seinswahrheit und Lebenswirklichkeit, corresponding to the original first volume. The original second volume was however now divided into two and the first part of this revised second edition appeared as Band II Die Platonischen Schriften. The second and major part of this second volume appeared at Platon III: Die Platonischen Schriften, Zweite und Dritte Periode. Friedländer was now living in America and English translations of the three volumes by Hans Meyerhoff with further additions, revisions and notes appeared as Plato IH An Introduction ; Plato: The Dialogues, First Period ; and lastly the present volume Plato: The Dialogues, Second and Third Periods.