Dissertation, University of Ottawa (
Our thesis asks the question, for Berkeley does there exist a succession of
ideas in the mind of God? Presented are five chapters. First, we consider
Berkeley's definition(s) of the term, God. We contend that two distinct and
opposing definitions of God emerge. Second, in the context of both definitions
of God we assess Berkeley's Theory of Knowledge and his definition of the
term, notion. By way of this analysis we argue that Berkeley himself maintains
that only one of his two definitions of God is comprehensible and applicable to
his metaphysics. Third, we turn to Berkeley's definition(s) of the term idea as
interpreted through the one comprehensible definition of God that Berkeley
posits. The distinction that Berkeley makes between archetypal and ectypal
ideas will be considered in this light. Fourth, in relation to our analyses of God,
notions and ideas, we consider Berkeley's Theory of Cause and Effect with
respect to action, or the agency of finite spirits, humans. And fifth, we discuss
the interpretations of various commentators with respect to the topics and
questions that arise throughout the course of our investigation. Finally, we offer
concluding remarks in answer to our original question. Does there exist for
Berkeley a succession of ideas in the mind of God?