Tendo como pano de fundo a concepção de filosofia, explora-se os diferentes tratamentos do tema da subjetividade conferidos pelo Tractatus e pela obra do que se convencionou chamar de “II Wittgenstein”. A concepção prática do significado inaugurada por esta, a despeito de significar uma drástica ruptura com o espírito do Tractatus, funda-se na preservação do antipsicologismo. Tem-se, portanto, a conciliação entre a concepção prática de significado e o antipsicologismo característico da lógica sublime do Tractatus, da qual o II Wittgenstein se desfaz.AbstractHaving a conception of philosophy in the backgound, I investigate different approaches concerning the topic of subjectivism in the Tractatus and thoughout the writings of what is commonly called as “II Wittgenstein”. The practical conception of meaning that steam from those writings, in spite of being a shift with regards to that of the Tractatus, is based on the preservation of the anti-psychologism. Therefore, there is a conciliation between the practical conception of meaning and the anti-psychologism, by means of which, in the Tractatus, logic is something sublime, which is discarded by the II Wittgenstein.