This work is an introductory textbook for deductive logic being primarily concerned with truth-functional logic, but also containing an introduction to syllogisms with the application of Venn diagrams, an introduction to quantification theory, and a brief discussion of axiom systems. Harrison employs six logical operators in his truth-functional calculus, including both inclusive and exclusive disjunction. The six operators are initially defined by truth tables, but in the natural deduction presentation negation and conjunction are taken as primitive and the other connectives are defined in terms of these two. The conditional and indirect methods of proof are included with the approach being essentially the same as that given in Copi’s Symbolic Logic. Categorical statements and syllogisms are analyzed from both hypothetical and existential viewpoints. The treatment of quantification theory includes two-place predicates and employs the four standard rules for generalization and instantiation. The book contains an abundance of explanations, examples, and exercises. Selected answers, usually for the odd numbered problems, are given in an appendix.—T. G. N.