Oxford, Exeter College Library, Ms. 23, ff. 195va-198ra, transmits a miscellany of psychological texts, divided into various sections. This article shows that the first sections of the miscellany reproduce most of Achard of Saint-Victor's De discretione animae, spiritus et mentis, but arrange its material in a different order from DASM and express similar ideas with different wording or word-order. OxDASM would seem to be, or derive from, an unknown version of DASM. The text in Oxford, Exeter College Library, Ms. 23 certainly must be added to the medieval dissemination of DASM, of which before now only four manuscripts-and no indirect tradition-were known. This article has four parts. In the first part, I give an outline of Achard's works and their dissemination. Secondly, I discuss the content of DASM and some of choices made by the editor of the text, Nikolaus Häring. Thirdly, I present the Oxford manuscript, with particular reference to the relatio...