Englewood Cliffs, NJ, USA: Prentice-Hall (
Elementary Applied Symbolic Logic was first published by Prentice-Hall in 1976. It went through two editions with them, then had a successful classroom run of 25 years by various publishers, before it finally went out of print in 2001.I am reviving it here, because during its run it acquired a reputation as an outstanding textbook for getting students to understand symbolic logic.I immodestly believe it is the best textbook ever written on the subject.------------This is a book on applied symbolic logic. It provides the bridge between statements and arguments in English, and their formal counterparts in symbolic logic. Extensive exercises are given, illustrating how different natural-language concepts can correspond to the same symbolism, and how English sentences may be translated into formulae. Translation is heavily emphasized.It is intended to make learning symbolic logic (relatively) easy, by starting out with very basics and progressing from there a step at a time, building on what came before. I tried to make it as close to a self-teaching text as I could manage. It has two major divisions: Propositional Logic and Quantifier Logic.The first starts with propositions and truth-values, then truth-tables for evaluating the status of statements and arguments. It then moves to natural deduction, with rules for making inferences and transformations. Procedures are given for proving both validity and invalidity.Exercises increase in complexity as things move along. Solutions to selected exercises are included at the back of the book.Quantifier Logic starts with Monadic predicate logic, involving only single-place predicates ("properties"). It starts with singular statements and propositional functions, then moves to statements containing a single universal or existential quantifier, then to statements and arguments involving multiple quantifiers. It covers inferences using quantificational inference and transformation rules, and gives methods of invalidity proof.Its second half goes into polyadic predicates ("relations") of various degrees, moves on to identity, and finally to definite descriptions.Appendices on various related and supplementary topics are included at the end. The original appendix on Completeness and Consistency was complicated and confusing. It has been deleted, and replaced with an addendum at the end.