Literary structuralism, which is rooted in structural linguistics, is one of the approaches which reached its climax in 1960s. The backbone of this approach is binary opposition. In this paper, binary oppositions have been adopted as research method to analyze Ahmadi’s poems with the aim of a new interpretation of his poems. The work of Ahmadi, Tarh, published in 1962, is generally considered as the starting point of so-called "New Wave" movement in Persian literature. The binary oppositions are categorized into three classes of presence versus absence. 1. Nostalgia (childhood vs. adulthood, good old days vs. unpleasant present days). 2. Death vs. life 3. Grievance (poetic values vs. poetic anti values of the poet in the past and present, moral values vs. moral anti values) The number of poems which might be classified under the grievance is more than the others. The principal binary opposition in Ahmadi’s poems is opposition of form versus content; the very opposition of new forms of "New Wave" with melancholycontent. Poetic suggestions of Ahmadi in linguistic and formal fields can be found in the works of certain poets like Ali Babachahi, Seyed Ali Salehi and also postmodern poets.