In this paper done, philosophical analysis of significance and the evolution of rituals and symbolism in religion is provided. In focusing on how these elements act as key instruments for conveying and strengthening religious beliefs, community cohesion, and private devotee improvement, it studies how a profession escapade can be important for normal worship. The study analyzes rituals as a performative component and symbols as means of communicating extravagantly (through hyperbole) abstract theological concepts; symbols as mediators between the sacred and every day. The paper reflects on the changes rituals and symbols went through throughout time, becoming adapted to the cultural, social and historical contexts while keeping the religious core. Second, it reflects upon the relevance of these practices in the context of a modern and secularized world where they can still be newly understood and newly experienced. By providing an analysis on the ritual and symbolic aspect of Buddhism in the Great Stupa, this ultimately echoes how the rituals and symbolism maintain religious traditions and social cohesion around the world.