The reduction of the lambda calculus to the theory of combinators in [Sch¨ onfinkel, 1924] applies to positive implicational logic, i.e. to the typed lambda calculus, where the types are built up from atomic types by means of the operation A −→ B, to show that the lambda operator can be eliminated in favor of combinators K and S of each type A −→ (B −→ A) and (A −→ (B −→ C)) −→ ((A −→ B) −→ (A −→ C)), respectively.1 I will extend that result to the case in which the types are built up by means of the general function type ∀x : A.B(x) as well as the disjoint union type ∃x : A.B(x)– essentially to the theory of [Howard, 1980]. To extend the treatment of −→ to ∀ we shall need a generalized form of the combinators K and S, and to deal with ∃ we will need to introduce a new form of the combinator S..