Evolution of the Recognition Concept in Fichte's View and its Impact on Young Hegel
The concept of recognition, borrowed from Fichte, has undergone considerable modifications in Hegelian thought. It played a significant role in establishing Hegel’s own philosophy and theory of mutual recognition as an intersubjective and social relation. In order to explain Hegel’s approach to the concept of recognition, we need first of all to assess the place of this concept and its importance in Fichte’s philosophy. This task enables us to find out some differences in Hegel’s and Fichte’s attitudes and get closer to the true sense of recognition in Hegel’s system of philosophy. This article consists of three major parts: first of all, it is going to concentrate on the problem of freedom and autonomy in German Idealism especially in Kant. Secondly, it checks out the problem of consciousness of freedom from a Fichtean point of view. And finally, it talks about Fichte’s influence on Hegel which led to formation of the concept of recognition particularly in Jena period.