The universe changes, as the energy-matter complex that constitutes it, continuously flows from higher order to lower order resulting in the incessant increase of entropy and the ever forward direction of time. But the one thing that does not change is the perpetual struggle between ‘good’ and ‘evil’. When probed in to theproperties of the above two contending forces through a deep study of various branches of physical, natural and human sciences, it was revealed, that which resists the eternal nature-flux can be considered as ‘good’, while that which catalysts it as ‘evil’. The ‘Four Fundamental Forces’ along with life-force in nature, and justice; culture and the like, in human society, serve as gleaned samples drawn from the respective sciences to prove the above radical assertion about ‘good’. Disappointingly, we human beings, a part of nature, with the aid of our advanced cerebral cortex, catalyst disorder or increase entropy by dropping bombs, by exhausting natural resources, and by being a threat to the entire eco-system and to the fellow human beings for our material and sensual ends. However, the human soul is quintessentially ‘good’ and always craves for ‘order’. The objective of this paper is to show that literature is one of the forms in arts, which presents a sample of ‘order’ that is capable of permeating and setting the same kind of resonation in a receptive soul, besides articulating life transmuted in to truth. To prove the above statement the Paradiso Canto III from Dante’s The Divine Comedy is taken for the study.