India is a rich country with natural resources. It is not only having good natural resources as well as good human resources. In natural resources, we can see rich fertile soil, a number of rivers including the biggest and holy river Ganga. It is not only having scenic beauty as well as it is considered as the ‘’ Heaven on the earth’’. In Sanskrit language, it is described as ‘’ Durlabham Bharathe Janma’’ means It is rare to have the opportunity to born in India. This line as shows the greatness of India. As a peace-loving country, India had given contributions to the world in many aspects like culture, administration, music, dance, science, technology etc. From ancient times, up to the modern age it is acting as a guide to the world as it is the spiritual land also. So many travelers, philosophers, travelers, thinkers visited India and learnt many things. They appreciated India and had given the place of guide to India. In this book, let us discuss the ‘’ Contributions of India to the world ‘’ in many concepts.