A tourist village is a form of industry which is a tourist trip that encourages tourists to use the various products offered by the tourist village, consisting of culinary tourism, educational tourism, natural tourism, and so on. Data on tourist visits to Sumedang Regency during 2022 was 1,293,953 people and in 2023 there were 1,738,502 people. Based on this data, it is known that the number of tourist visits has increased but the number of visits is not spread across all tourist attractions or tourist villages in Sumedang Regency. Therefore, the Sumedang Regency Tourism, Culture, Youth and Sports Department is targeting an increase in the number of tourist visits by 17% from 2023. So it is necessary to develop a promotional strategy for tourist villages in Sumedang Regency. Thus, the aim of this research is to develop a tourism village promotion strategy in developing local wisdom-based tourism in Sumedang Regency. In determining a tourism promotion strategy, it is necessary to pay attention to several dimensions of tourism promotion which consist of: image marketing, atraction marketing, infrastructure marketing, and people marketing. The research method used was qualitative research methods. Data collection was carried out through literature and field studies. Meanwhile, data processing is carried out by referring to data processing procedures which consist of data reduction, data presentation and data verification.