Ashgate Publishing (
This book presents the first major critique of Pannenberg's use of science in his theology, exposing the science theology dialogue to the complex issues of postmodernity. Although Pannenberg's name is widely known to theologians in the English-speaking world, his theological writings have received little critical analysis to date. Stewart brings Wolfhart Pannenberg's work to a wider audience, summarizing his theological views and entering into critical dialogue with his writings, exploring their strengths and weaknesses.Setting Pannenberg's appropriation of the biological and human sciences against the background of Bauman's priority of the ethical in postmodernity, Gadamer's conversational mode of dialogic rationality, and Archer's analysis of knowledge in social theory, Stewart argues for a more thorough recognition of values and ethics in the construction of epistemologies in both science and theology. This book offers important insights for all those concerned with issues of science and religion, bringing the relation of science and theology into contact with the philosophy of hermeneutics and the ethical implications of current social theory.