Murinbada tribe; 1. The lineaments of sacrifice striking resemblances between the form of a bullroarer ceremony and the form of sacrificial ceremonies in more developed religion Ceremony of Punj; 2. Sacramentalism rite and myth - relations between Punj, and circumcision, totemism (all types), myth relating to Punj, other myths, relations between myth and rite, sequences of conduct; 3. Symbolism in the higher rites geometric idiom of ceremonies, symbolizing processes and types 4. The design plan of a riteless myth - the rainbow serpent, the problem of myth variation, three fragmentary accounts (Marithiel, Wagaman, Nangiomeri), analysis of myth, structural plans of 3 dramas; Myth of Kunmanggur, myth of Punj, rite of Punj 5. The design plans of mythless rites circumcision, mortuary, myth of Kulpi; 6. Cosmos and society made correlative - positive features of Murinbada religion, the dynamical or integrative aspect of the rites, and the underlying philosophy; A concluding note - explanation of series and viewpoint from which it was written.