An interesting debate on the issue of personal identity and its ethical implications has animated the days of the XIII International Congress of Max Scheler‐Gesellschaft. A large program of work has garnered numerous perspectives on the philosophy of person and the phenomenology of otherness, investigating in particular the role of emotions in the formation of person process. The main topic of conference was the Max Scheler’s phenomenology of emotions, which is an important turning point in the philosophy of twentieth century. The formation of ordo amoris, or rather order of feeling, generates the self‐ transcendence of the immediate feeling in virtue, in which the person realizes her singularity. The emotion, therefore, doesn’t remain confined in a state of mind and inner private but acts in the world, creating the emotional breakthrough (emotioneller Durchbruch) that makes me exist in a new way in the world, which allows me to act according to my ordo amoris.