Dimensions of Being: Toward a New Understanding of the Inter-Connectedness of Science, Psychology and Art. Evolving Consciousness in the New Paradigm and its Influence on the Multidimensions of Being
Dissertation, The Union Institute (
The dissertation by Sommer explores the possibility of using the present paradigm shift to bridge the gaps between scientific and humanistic disciplines. He melds theories to gain a new understanding of the different disciplines themselves as well as of their inter-connectedness. Five hypotheses stand at the centre of his dissertation: What science has discovered and formulated in the last century is not new in psychology, philosophy and art. The inter-connectedness of science, psychology, philosophy and art affects everything, both animate and inanimate. Art and science are partners. The binding energy behind all manifestations of the relationships between psychology, philosophy, science and art, is not of a physical nature. Within the new paradigm shift there is sufficient evidence of the emergence of a unifying theory. ;Sommer approaches the paradigm shift from several, often opposing, angles. This is necessary to be able to use Quantum Mechanics, Chaos- and Complexity Theory, where paradoxes are normal ingredients. He explores the processes which have led to the shift in consciousness within the scientific world, and does the same with art and psychology. Finally, he brings them all together to form a new theory, not a theory for everything, but a unifying one. ;In the scientific part, Sommer is concerned with understanding and explaining the principles of Chaos- and Complexity Theory as well as exploring their inter-connectedness. Sommer approaches the artistic, philosophical and psychological parts through the eyes of observers rather than using the arguments of insiders. A key issue is the integration of spiritual dimensions. Spirituality is used by him as an infolded process of altered consciousness, a way of accessing the new paradigm