Escritos 29 (63):326-345 (
The existentialism of the human being within the Latin American context marks a fundamental essence, from the intrinsic and the extrinsic, to identify their relationship with their other self, within the otherness that characterizes the thinking being faced to his own thought. The Coreguaje are an indigenous ethnic group settled in the department of Caquetá, Colombia. With their own language, the Korebajü, and their cultural identity, they make echo of their wisdom of the jungle where the autochthonous roots of their daily work can be found through their customs, their rituals, their language and their own territory. Giving yourself away and understanding the other is one of their fundamental principles to establish interpersonal relationships within their habitat. Similarly, identifying their cosmic and ancestral knowledge, which is the starting point within the knowledge of the Amazon rainforest, makes this conceptualization a treasury of the cosmogonic vision that the Coreguaje ancestors develop. Thus, their postulates can be ordered under three conceptions: the Chejaboebü, the relationship with nature, water, wind, thunder, the moon and the sun; the Chejasanaba, the relationship with the air and, the Chejasesebü, the relationship with the stars, atavistic positions that forge a philosophical dialogue manifested in the orality of their own knowledge.