[author unknown]
Book reviewed in this article: Creative Synthesis and Philosophic Method. By Charles Hartshorne Randomness, Statistics and Emergence. By Philip McShane. Language and Being: An Analytic Phenomenology. By Stephen A. Erickson. Doing and Deserving. By Joel Feinberg. Responsibility. By Jonathan Glover. The Philosophy of Religion. Edited by Basil Mitchell. Faith and Philosophical Enquiry. By D. Z. Phillips. Regliion and Secularisation. By Vernon Pratt. Humanism and Christianity. By Martin C. D'Arcy. Studies in Presocratic Philosophy: Volume I, The Beginnings of Philosophy. Edited by David J. Furley and R. E. Allen. Socrates: A Source Book. Compiled by John Ferguson. Hegel's Idea of Philosophy. Edited with an introduction by Quentin Lauer, S. J. Essays on Bertrand Russell. Edited by E. D. Klemke. The Cambridge Bible Commentary on the New English Bible: Old Testament Illustrations. Edited by Clifford M. Jones. Amos, Hosea, Micah. By Henry McKeating. The First Book of Samuel. By Peter R. Ackroyd. A History of Israel. By John Bright. Pauline Perspectives. By Ernst Käsemann. Translated by Margaret Kohl. Cyprian:‘De Lapsis’and‘De Ecclesiae Catholicae Unitate’. Text and translation by Maurice Bévenot, S. J. Athanasius‘Contra Gentes’and‘De Incarnatione’. Edited and translated by Robert W. Thomson. The Spanish Church and the Papacy in the Thirteenth Century. By P. Linehan. Elizabethan Puritanism. Edited by Leonard J. Trinterud. Sixteenth Century Essays and Studies, Vol. I. Edited by Carl S. Meyer. Sixteenth Century Essays and Studies, Vol. II. Edited by Carl S. Meyer. The English Separatist Tradition. By B. R. White, Antichrist in Seventeenth‐Century England. By Christopher Hill. The Correspondence of Lord Acton and Richard Simpson, Vol. I. Edited by Joseph L. Altholz and Damian McElrath. Lettres de George Tyrrell à Henri Bremond. Edited by A. Louis‐David. Preface by Maurice Nédoncelle. Schweitzer: a Biography. By George Marshall and David Poling. Histoire du salut et philosophie. By L. Malevez, S. J. Sacerdoce et Célibat. Études historiques et théologiques. Edited by J. Coppens. The Eternal Feminine: A Study on the Text of Teilhard de Chardin. By Henri DE Lubac. The Spirituality of Teilhard de Chardin. By Thomas Corbishley. Mission and Ministry. By Adrian Hastings. The Misery of Christianity. A Plea for a Humanity without God. By Joachim Kahl. Translated by N. D. Smith.