Two people may claim both to be naturalists, but have divergent conceptions of
basic elements of the natural world which lead them to mean different things when
they talk about laws of nature, or states, or the role of mathematics in physics. These
disagreements do not much affect the ordinary practice of science which is about small
subsystems of the universe, described or explained against a background, idealized
to be fixed. But these issues become crucial when we consider including the whole
universe within our system, for then there is no fixed background to reference ob-
servables to. I argue here that the key issue responsible for divergent versions of
naturalism and divergent approaches to cosmology is the conception of time. One
version, which I call temporal naturalism, holds that time, in the sense of the succes-
sion of present moments, is real, and that laws of nature evolve in that time. This
is contrasted with timeless naturalism, which holds that laws are immutable and the
present moment and its passage are illusions. I argue that temporal naturalism is em-
pirically more adequate than the alternatives, because it offers testable explanations
for puzzles its rivals cannot address, and is likely a better basis for solving major puz-
zles that presently face cosmology and physics.
This essay also addresses the problem of qualia and experience within naturalism
and argues that only temporal naturalism can make a place for qualia as intrinsic
qualities of matter.