Quantum mechanics teaches that before detection, knowledge of particle position is, at best, probabilistic, and classical trajectories are seen as a feature of the macroscopic world. These comments refer to detected particles, but we are still free to consider the motions generated by the wave equation. Within hydrogen, the Schrodinger equation allows calculation of kinetic energy at any location, and if this is identified as the energy of the wave, then radial momentum, allowing for spherical harmonics, becomes available. The distance across the real zone of radial momentum is found to match semi-integer wavelengths of the adjusted matter wave, consistent with what is expected from a standing wave condition. The approach is extended to include orbital motions, where it is established that the underlying wave, which has direction and wavelength at each location, forms a series of connected trajectories, which are shown to be ellipses orientated at various angles to the equatorial plane. This suggests that wave trajectories, rather than particle trajectories, are still a feature of the hydrogen atom. The finding allows the reason for the coincidence between energy results derived by Sommerfeld’s classical trajectories and the Schrodinger wave equation to be appreciated. The result has implications when the relativistic situation is considered, as Sommerfeld’s correct deduction of the relativistic energy levels of hydrogen well before Dirac derived his wave equation has long been somewhat puzzling.