The world of Avatar: The Last Airbender is composed of four nations that are profoundly out of balance. The creators of the show put a lot of care into designing each nation with its own culture. This chapter shows how ethical‐epistemological maps can be changed and adapted to new experiences in the physical world. Human experience, however, is not limited to just the physical for Native Americans. Throughout the series, the Aang Gaang uses Inuit Traditional Knowledge, Inuit Qaujimajatuqangit, found within Southern Water Tribe culture to build their ethical‐epistemological maps. These maps were built step by step from a wide variety of experiences. Luckily, they didn't limit themselves to just their day‐to‐day experiences in the physical world. The Aang Gaang would've missed out on a lot of useful knowledge and guidance had they ignored dreams, visions, and spiritual experiences.