Social philosophy is knowledge that is called to answer the question about the goals of human existence and human historical life. In this sense, it is a valuative philosophy. This determines the specificity and boundaries of its object. It includes: 1) society as self-organizing system of sociality reproduction, 2) historical process in its relation with value meanings and constants of human existence, and 3) social epistemology, exploring the possibilities and ways of adequately social reality comprehension. Social philosophy conceptually crosses theoretical sociology and the philosophy of history within the boundaries of its problem field. The main theme of social philosophy is a theme of human, focusing research interest on the question “Who are we and where are we going?” Today boundaries of social philosophy are blurring under the postmodern influence on the humanities. Philosophical vision of social reality is replaced by the description of narratives designed by communicative practice that cannot be represented as a whole and do not obey to general analytical logic. This actualizes an appeal to social philosophy as a way of explanation of socio-cultural realities and, in this connection, to the problematics specifying the existing ideas about its object.