On Tolerance in the Light of A Treatise on Virtues
The paper deals with one of the basic concepts of the classical ethical conception of French moral philosopher Vladimir Jankélévitch . Although tolerance is one of the so called “little virtues”, it is not less important; it has its own philosophy based on two presuppositions: 1) we have to abandon the knowledge of the thing in itself; 2) we have to conceive of every person as a purpose in itself, “an imperium within an imperium”. The symbiosis of body and mind, this “living paradox”, can serve as a model of how to resolve an irresolvable problem of tolerance. In the same way the “paradox” of a community of people sharing common faith and forced by it to act together could be brought to existence . And if convivial moments and moments of enthusiasms are affiliated, maybe one day they will start to love one another.