Calcutta,: Sinha Pub. House (
This book brings out the essentials of Hinduism as expounded in the Vedas, the main Upanisads, the Munusamhita, the Ramayana, the Mahabharata, the minor Upanisads, the Puranas, the Bhdgavat Gita and the other Gitas. It traces the development of Saivism, Saktaism, Vaisnavism, and the other minor cults in the minor Upanisads, the main Puranas, the Bhdgavat Gita, the Bhagavat Gita, the siva Gita, the Devi Gita, and the other Gitas, and expounds their theoretical and practical teachings. It traces the evolution of pure monism (Advaitavada), which permeates the religious literature of the Hindus. It elavorately deals with the triple method of disinterested works, devotion and integral knowledge for the realization of the Absolute Spirit or God. It deals with the ethical teachings of Hinduism as expounded in the non-philosophical religious literature, which are catholic, humanitarian and universal, and which constitute the inner core of religious life. The book tries to give an objective treatment of the inner thoughts of Hinduism stripped of its cumborous and outworn symbolism based on the original texts. So the ideas are expressed m simple philosophical. Language, which is not unintelligible to the lay man. If it can remove some misconceptions about Hinduism and help some readers enter into its sprits, the author's labour will have been amply repaid.