As it is well known, classical special relativity allows the existence of three different kinds of particles: bradyons, luxons and tachyons. Bradyons have non-zero mass and hence always travel slower than light. Luxons are particles with zero mass, like the photon, and they always travel with invariant velocity. Tachyons are hypothetical superluminal particles that always move faster than light. The existence of bradyons and luxons is firmly established, while the tachyons were never reliably observed. In quantum field theory, the appearance of tachyonic degrees of freedom indicates vacuum instability rather than a real existence of the faster-than-light particles. However, recent controversial claims of the OPERA experiment about superluminal neutrinos triggered a renewed interest in superluminal particles. Driven by a striking analogy of the old Frenkel-Kontorova model of a dislocation dynamics to the theory of relativity, we conjecture in this note a remarkable possibility of existence of the forth type of particles, elvisebrions, which can be superluminal. The characteristic feature of elvisebrions, distinguishing them from tachyons, is that they are outside the realm of special relativity and their energy remains finite when the elvisebrion velocity approaches the light velocity.