Nowy ateizm i jego wróg
The popularity of New Atheism in the market of ideas in the last decade is
unprecedented. This informal movement introduced radical atheism into
the mainstream of public considerations and created a massive resentment
amongst philosophers and theologians. Many critiques come predictably
from conservative groups, which makes them conventional. But lately also
the left-wing thinkers began to turn to religion and its emancipation
potential. One of the prominent left-wing thinkers, Terry Eagleton, proposed
a wholesale critique of New Atheism in his Reason, Faith, and Revolution.
Reflections on the God Debate (2009). What I’m trying to do in this paper is
to critically compare his animosity towards New Atheism with his positive
project of rehabilitation of an orthodox Christianity, the latter being a means
towards realizing Eagleton’s political agenda. This agenda is, I presume,
based on theological if not metaphysical notions and sentiments.