Critique of Justice
Allahabad: philosophy department, Ewing Christian College (
Critique of Justice is a
collection of reflective essays on
ditferent dimensions of justice written
by eminent scholars of Philosophy
and allied disciplines who are astively
engaged in the academic pursuit and
promoting the cause of philosophy
The book is conceived from the
standpoint of multi-perspectival
approach to the multifarious concept
of justice which is regarded as the
highest value in any civilized society
On the one hand from traditional
metaphysical point of view justice
consists of the eternal and immutable
principles hat are transcendent,
objective and absolute, where as
from modern positivistic and
empirical approachjustice is ahuman
construct relative to time and space.
Justice is, therefore, regarded as
complex and dynamic concept which
is multi-dimensional. It synthesizes
other values like rights, liberty
equality and property. In this well
researched book there are 40
scholarly articles covering a wide
range from Plato's concept of justice
to Nozick's concept of justice in the
Western Philosophy and from Vedic
concept of justice to Amartya Sen's
view ofjustice in Indian perspective.