In any given independent Arabic clause, one could observe an ABSOLUE object in place of subject, or predicate. This kind of absolute object, having an elliptical action verb in its deep structure, is considereded to be grammtically over-dominated by this elliptical action verb. However, one question might be whether the "signified" for such an object equals with that of mentioned object, or else? Semanticians consider three "signified"s for such grammatical forms. Any such object's signified 1. can both iclude the concept of the mentioned object and ellpitical action verb. 2. can solely include the concept of the elliptical action verb 3. can solely include the concept of the time,subject-free infinite verb In this article, whereas the first hypothesis is set aside as syntactically wrong, the second one will be more closely analysed. Although the third one, in our case, is correspondent with persian language, and is due have an equivalent, translators in their Quranic transltion has handled such an issue quite differently.