This article discusses Aristotle as a source of data regarding Plato's philosophy. The first pictures Aristotle beginning his intellectual life as a meek and dutiful Platonist and coming into his own as a philosopher only after the passing of his master, some twenty years beyond their earliest association. There are certain controversies regarding each other's approach towards philosophy; because Aristotle later on is seen to be disagreeing with his master on certain issues. Still less is there reason to credit the bewildering contention, common to antiquity and modernity, that Aristotle never developed to the point of grasping the rudiments of Platonic philosophy: “In the first place,” says Burnet of Aristotle, “it is certain that he never understood the teaching of the head of the Academy.” However, keeping aside the above controversies, it must be acknowledged that Aristotle does cite Plato's views in illuminating ways in some of his surviving corpus. It can be concluded that, despite certain difference of opinion, Aristotle's corpus continues to be a great source of information of his master, Plato.