This study aimed to discover the need for and approaches to repositioning Home Economics for a functional entrepreneurship education programme in Colleges of Education in the North-Central Zone of Nigeria. Four (4) specific objectives and Four (4) research questions guided the study. A descriptive survey design was used for the study. The population for the study comprised 73 Home Economics lecturers and 178 NCE III Students in Colleges of Education in North-Central, Nigeria. Sampling techniques were not carried out, all the populations were chosen for sample size because the population is small, manageable, and individual views were considered important for the study. A 48-item questionnaire developed by researchers and validated by experts was employed as an instrument for data collection. The reliability coefficient of the instrument is 0.745 using Cronbach Alpha. The researchers along with the research assistants administered the instrument to the respondents. Seventy-three (73) Lecturers' questionnaires were administered, seventy-three (73) were returned and one hundred and seventy-eight (178) student questionnaires were administered but one hundred and sixty-two (162) were returned successfully thereby giving 100% and 91% return rate. Mean was used to analyze the data. The study's findings revealed the need to reposition the Home Economics curriculum for functional Entrepreneurship Education in Colleges of Education in the North-Central Zone, Nigeria (Average Mean 3.44). Based on the findings, recommendations were made to include that Colleges of Education should adopt innovative curriculum design, teaching methods, assessment tools, and robust feedback mechanisms.