In this article the author has carried out propedeutical analysis of notions ‘time’ and ‘space’ in metaphysical-poetical creativity of J. Brodsky. Transcendental-anthropological understanding of poetry in historical-philosophical key means ‘the return’ to language of poetry as the specifi experience of discovering of being and is shown in three planes: ontological, gnoseological, methodological. Ontological plane shows terminal character of human being. The roots of this terminal character in language, where poetry, music, philosophy – spaces of individual universes, which create transcendental horizon of culture. Time-space or chronotop makes here the whole symbolical complex as the way of human being and forming of his personal experience. Gnoseological plane discovers contemplative character of cognition in poetry, where images have personal and symbolical nature and thanks for them human can look at his own world. Methodological plane is analyzed by the way articulation of several lines of main parts. The fist part is poetical epoche as specifi scientifial procedure of fiding of own poeticalmetaphysical experience, based on actualization of consciousness and dictating of language. The second part – analytical, intuitive, revelation methods of poetical cognition through literature. Chronotop as time-space of literature directs conditions of being of genres. Poetical chronotop – time-space of poet as namely poet is personal place that has time measuring principally – time-space of word, in which a man is not engaged, but embedded in structure of universe, and where in fusion of internal and external worlds scientistic cartesian dualism, existential estrangement of human being are overcome.