Various definitions of humanity have been expressed in Islamic culture; Such as a physical substance with a duty, a talking animal, a single soul, an animal in love, and a living being; However, Mulla Sadra has defined man as a "fixed and fluid being" based on the essential movement, and based on this definition, he considers the supreme value for a person to be "permanent movement towards absolute perfection". Sadra's other interpretation of the perfection of a person is to reach the "super celibate position" that by reaching this position, a person can enter the holy world and God's pleasure and even surpass the position of angels. According to him, the origin of this dignity in man is the weakness of man and the abundance of pests and diseases that are mentioned in the verses of the Quran. A creature that is not like this at the beginning of creation imagines perfection in itself; therefore, there will be no waiting for him to reach perfection.