The analysis concerns the interpretation of the story about Helen of Troy in the Goethe tragedy âFaustâ and in the Hofmannsthal mythological opera âThe Egyptian Helenâ in terms of succession and development of philosophical and aesthetic conception of image. For the first time the work on the opera âThe Egyptian Helenâ is considered as a fruitful period of the combined creation of Hugo von Hofmannsthal and Richard Strauss on the basis of Nietzscheâs antiquity reception. It is proved, that in the Hofmannsthalâs philosophical and aesthetic views the conception of the opera âHelenâ is the symbol of synthesis of opposite view points on antique perception of the world and the basic sources of the ancient Greek art. The light Olympic Greece of Winckelmann and Goethe and the spontaneous titanism, Dionysusâs ecstasy and Nietzscheâs, Burckhardtâs, Bachofenâs archaic mysticism merged in Helenâs âMystic weddingâ. The basis for such unification serves an invincible life instinct of an ancient Greek, who becomes apparent in ability to moral transformation and revival by force of overcoming inevitable things in human existence of suffering